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Ballaghlea N.S.

(090) 6660255
086 1380092
Ballaghlea, Ballygar, Galway, F42 KC56


We extend a warm welcome to you and your child. It is our aim that your child will be extremely happy in our school and will achieve his/her full potential. There is a strong sense of community and a high level of cooperation between staff, pupils and parents.The school is located on the main N63 just 2 miles outside the village of Ballygar, Co. Galway. Ballaghlea N.S. is a five teacher school with two SET teachers, a shared SET teacher, two special needs assisants and a secretary. We have a large student population of 101 students. All children are encouraged to participate in sport, music, gardening and visual arts. Over the years our school has been awarded ten Green Flags. This year we have participated in the Discover Science Programme, Maths Week and My Write a Book Competition.

We hope that, through our website, we will give a glimpse of our busy and varied life here at Ballaghlea National School.

School Closures for the School Year 2024/25

School Closed (for Elections)

29th November


Christmas Holidays

Closing Friday 20th December

Re-opening Monday 6th January


St. Brigid's Day Bank Holiday

Closed  Monday 3rd Febrauary


Mid Term Break

Closed Thursday 20th

& Friday 21st February


St Patrick's Day

Closed Monday 17th March


Easter Holidays

Closing Friday 11th April

Re-opening Monday 28th April


May Bank Holiday

Closed Monday 5th May


June Bank Holiday

Closed Friday 30th May

Closed Monday 2nd June


Summer Holidays

Closing Tuesday 24th June